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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Which Public HBCUs in Texas Should Be on My Radar?

Howdy folks! Texas is huge, and so is my dilemma. I'm trying to figure out which public HBCUs in Texas have a solid rep for a good education and an amazing student experience. Any Texans out there who can help a junior out?

a year ago

Hey there! You're right that Texas is home to some great public HBCUs, and it's awesome that you're considering them for your college journey. I've got a couple of suggestions for you!

1. Prairie View A&M University: Located in Prairie View, TX, this university is part of the Texas A&M University System. It's known for its strong engineering, business, and nursing programs, and provides a nurturing, inclusive environment for students.

2. Texas Southern University: Based in Houston, Texas Southern is a comprehensive public university that's known for its highly competitive law school as well as its College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. The campus has a vibrant social scene and offers many opportunities for student involvement.

Both of these HBCUs have rich histories, dedicated faculty, and diverse student populations. I recommend visiting their websites and, if possible, their campuses to get a feel for which one might be a better fit for you. Best of luck on your college search, and I hope this helps you out!

a year ago

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