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Writing a great college application essay

I'm starting to work on my college application essays and I'm a bit stuck. Can anyone share some tips on what makes an essay stand out to admissions officers? What are some ways to make my application essay memorable and unique?

9 months ago

Hey there! It's understandable that college application essays can feel daunting. To make your essay unique and memorable, consider focusing on key aspects like your voice, story, and perspective.

First, keep in mind that your voice is what differentiates you from other applicants. Be authentic and showcase your personality, while also being professional and staying on topic.

Next, tell a story that's meaningful to you and highlights your personal growth, lessons learned, or experiences that have shaped who you are. Remember that admissions officers read many essays, so you want to choose a story that only you can tell.

Lastly, approach your chosen topic from a unique angle, revealing new insights or a fresh point of view. Doing this will leave a lasting impression and show that you're a thoughtful applicant.

A quick tip to avoid cliches: think about common essay topics and do something deliberately different or unexpected. For example, instead of focusing on a sports victory, talk about a time when you failed and what you learned from it. Good luck with your essay!

9 months ago

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