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High School Summer Internship Opportunities in the USA

Hey everyone! I'm looking for some guidance on available high school summer internship opportunities in the USA. I'm particularly interested in STEM internships. Does anyone have any recommendations or resources to find such internships? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hello! It's wonderful that you're interested in STEM internships for high school students. There are many opportunities out there, and they can provide invaluable experiences. Some well-known STEM internship options include MIT's Research Science Institute (RSI), NASA's High School Internship Program, and the Simons Summer Research Program.

For more options, you can visit websites like to search for STEM internships specifically for high school students. Additionally, I'd recommend reaching out to your school counselor, teachers, or other mentors who might have more information about local programs in your area.

Don't forget to also consider approaching local companies or research institutions that specialize in STEM fields and inquire about possible opportunities for high school interns. Good luck with your search, and I hope you find a great internship!

a year ago

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