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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Good local clubs for high school students?

I'm looking to join some clubs to get more involved outside of school, but I'm not sure where to start. Which local clubs would you recommend for high school students interested in community service, academics, or other interests?

a year ago

Hey! It's refreshing to see you're eager to get involved in your community and explore your interests beyond school. For community service, consider checking out local organizations like food banks, libraries, and animal shelters, as they often welcome high school volunteers. Rotary Interact and Key Club are great options that have chapters in many schools and communities, and they're focused on community service and leadership.

For academic clubs, see if your school offers Speech and Debate, Math Club, Science Olympiad, or Model United Nations. If they don't, websites like Meetup or local libraries might be able to connect you with relevant groups.

If you have other interests, think about art collectives, theater groups, or cultural clubs. Even if your school doesn't offer a particular club, you can reach out to neighboring schools as they may have extracurricular opportunities that welcome students from other schools.

Don't forget, you can also consider starting your own club if you don't find what you're looking for. Happy searching!

a year ago

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