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Thoughts on pursuing a Neurology major?

Hi all! I'm a junior in high school and thinking about majoring in Neurology when I go to college. Does anyone have any personal experience or insights they could share? Would it be a good choice for someone interested in healthcare careers? A little bit stressed, but thank you in advance!

a year ago

Hi there! It's exciting to hear that you're considering a Neurology major for your future studies. Neurology is indeed a fascinating field and has many applications in healthcare careers, such as becoming a neurologist, a neuroscientist, or working with patients who suffer from neurological disorders.

Students who take this path often report having truly engaging academic experiences. They generally take courses in neuroscience, physiology, and psychology, which not only deepens their understanding of the brain and nervous system, but also helps them decide which specific area in the healthcare field they may want to pursue.

Additionally, consider seeking research opportunities or internships in the neurology or broader healthcare field to get some hands-on experience. It could help you figure out if Neurology is the right fit for you and set you up for success in the future.

I hope this helps, and remember that it's okay to feel stressed at this stage. Good luck in exploring your future major!

a year ago

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