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AP Exams vs. AP Classes

Hey everyone, I'm just curious about the difference between AP exams and AP classes. Do I need to take the AP class in school to sit for the AP exam or can I just self-study and then take the exam? Any advice would be much appreciated!

a year ago

Hey! To clear up any confusion: AP classes are college-level courses taught in high school that follow a specific curriculum set by the College Board. On the other hand, AP exams are standardized tests administered at the end of the school year, which are based on the material covered in AP classes.

It's not required for you to take the AP class to sit for the AP exam, so you can absolutely self-study and then take the exam. Some students choose this route if their school doesn't offer a specific AP class or if they have scheduling conflicts. However, be aware that self-studying can be challenging, as you'll need to stay disciplined and cover all of the material on your own.

If you decide to self-study, make use of free resources like the College Board's AP course materials and CollegeVine's study guides. They'll help you stay on track and ensure that you're well-prepared for the exam. Good luck!

a year ago

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