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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Universities' expectations for transfer students?

Hey everyone! I'm thinking about transferring to a different college after my freshman year. Can anybody give me an idea about what universities generally look for in a transfer student? Are the admission requirements/processes very different from regular ones? Thanks!

a year ago

Hi there! When it comes to transferring, universities typically look for a few key things that can be different from the regular admissions process. First and foremost, they'll be reviewing your college transcript so far, so having strong grades in your current courses is important. Demonstrating your ability to handle college-level coursework will give them a better idea of your likelihood for success at their institution.

Extracurricular involvement is still relevant but might not carry as much weight as it does for high school students applying for freshman admission. It's still a good idea to stay involved in clubs, organizations, or volunteer work that aligns with your interests and future goals.

Another factor is your reason for transferring. Acting as a strong advocate for why you believe their institution is a better fit for your goals and interests will be crucial in your application. Crafting a compelling essay that highlights your experiences and reasons for wanting to transfer can make a difference in the admissions decision.

Admission requirements might vary depending on the university and their transfer processes, but a strong academic record, a well-crafted essay, and a clear rationale for transferring are some general expectations for transfer applicants. Good luck in your transfer journey!

a year ago

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