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MIT or Harvard: which one to choose?

If you had to choose between MIT and Harvard, which one would you pick and why? I'm trying to decide which one I should prioritize in my college applications.

a year ago

Deciding between MIT and Harvard can be a difficult choice, as both are prestigious institutions with excellent academic programs. Ultimately, your decision should come down to factors like your academic interests, the campus environment, and the types of opportunities each school offers.

As far as academic interests go, MIT is best known for its strong STEM focus and engineering programs. If you're particularly passionate about pursuing a degree in science, technology, engineering, or math, MIT might be the better choice for you. On the other hand, Harvard offers a wider range of academic programs across many disciplines, including the liberal arts and humanities, so if you're unsure about your future major, or you have diverse academic interests, Harvard might be more suitable.

Although they are both in Boston, the campus environments and cultures are also quite different. MIT is renowned for its collaborative, problem-solving environment, while Harvard is often seen as more competitive. When visiting, try to get a sense of the student community at each school and consider whether you feel more comfortable with one over the other.

Finally, explore the extracurricular activities and opportunities each school provides. Both institutions offer a wealth of clubs, research opportunities, and internship possibilities, but their focuses can differ. For example, if you're interested in business, Harvard may provide more clubs and networking opportunities in that area, while MIT might offer more chances for hands-on research and innovation in technology.

Try to gather as much information as possible about both schools, reach out to current students or alumni, and visit campuses if you can to make the most informed choice for your college goals. Good luck!

a year ago

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