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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Should I Join the National Society of High School Scholars?

Hey everyone! I recently got an invitation to join the National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS). Is it legit and worth joining? What are the benefits, and will it help me stand out when applying to colleges?

a year ago

Hey there! Congrats on receiving the invitation to join NSHSS. It is a legitimate organization, and it offers some benefits like scholarships, networking events, and discounts for certain educational resources. However, joining NSHSS alone will not make as big of an impact on your college applications as you might hope.

Colleges often look for involvement and leadership in extracurricular activities that emphasize your passions and skills. While membership in NSHSS can show academic achievement, it doesn't necessarily set you apart from other applicants, as many other students are invited to join based on their test scores and grades. To truly stand out, it would be more beneficial for you to focus on deeper involvement in a particular interest or discipline. For example, you could join or start a club that aligns with your passions, participate in research, or engage in volunteer work that has a significant impact in your community.

In summary, joining NSHSS won't hurt your application, but there are other ways to invest your time and energy that could make a more significant difference when it comes to admissions. Good luck!

a year ago

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