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Is Pre-Calculus required?

Hey guys! I've been looking at the math requirements for some colleges I'm interested in, and I'm wondering if Pre-Calculus is a required course for most schools. I'm currently taking Algebra II, and I'd like to know if I really need Pre-Calculus for college admissions. Thanks!

a year ago

Hello! Most colleges do not have strict requirements for specific high school math courses. However, they will look at the rigor of your overall curriculum, including the math courses you've taken. Generally, many competitive colleges expect you to complete up through Pre-Calculus or even Calculus. Some colleges might be okay with Algebra II as the highest level of math, but you might not be as well-prepared for the mathematical demands in college, depending on your major.

If you're considering a STEM-related major, I'd highly recommend taking Pre-Calculus or Calculus, as it will better prepare you and demonstrate your dedication to the field. Look into the math course requirements or recommendations for the specific colleges you're interested in, to make sure you're on the right track. It's always a good idea to challenge yourself academically, as this can help strengthen your college application. Good luck!

a year ago

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