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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Michigan community essay tips?

Hello! I'm working on my University of Michigan application and they have a 'community' essay prompt. I'm struggling to come up with ideas. Can anyone help me out with some tips or guidance on how to approach this essay topic? Thank you!

9 months ago

Hey there! It's great that you're working on your application to the University of Michigan. Their 'community' essay prompt can seem challenging at first, but a good way to approach it is to think about what makes you unique or the various communities you have been a part of. Are there any clubs, organizations, or groups that you were deeply involved in, and if so, what was the impact on you? Can you share an experience or story from your involvement that highlights your personal growth or influence on the group?

You could also consider an experience where you played a significant role in building or improving a community, like a service project or even within your family. The key is to show how you positively impacted a community and what it meant to you. Remember to be authentic and personal in your writing. Best of luck on shaping your essay! Feel free to come back if you need any more help or advice.

9 months ago

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