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Problem Solving and Data Analysis: Prepping in high school?

Hey, I've heard that having skills in problem-solving and data analysis can really make my college apps stronger. What are some classes or extracurriculars I can take in high school that focus on these skills? Any resources that can help me boost my skills outside the classroom as well?

9 months ago

You're spot-on about problem-solving and data analysis being valuable skills! Taking classes and participating in extracurriculars related to these areas is a great way to strengthen your college applications, showcase your interests, and set yourself up for future success.

In terms of coursework, some classes you could consider taking are statistics, computer science, and advanced math classes like AP Calculus. The knowledge and problem-solving skills you develop in these courses will be useful in many fields.

For extracurriculars, look for clubs or activities that focus on problem-solving and analytics. Examples include math or science clubs, coding clubs, robotics teams, or participating in competitions such as Math Olympiad, Science Olympiad, and FIRST Robotics.

Don't forget to explore outside-the-classroom resources as well! For example, websites like Khan Academy and Codecademy offer free tutorials and practice problems related to data analysis and problem-solving. Enrolling in a free online course through platforms like Coursera, edX, or Udacity can be another way to expand your knowledge and skills.

Overall, there are plenty of opportunities to develop your problem-solving and data analysis skills in high school. Just keep an open mind, work hard, and find the activities you're passionate about!

9 months ago

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