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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Understanding the New PSAT Format

I've heard that the PSAT has a new format. Can anyone give me a quick rundown on what's changed and any recommendations for study materials or resources to help understand it better? Thanks!

9 months ago

Hey there! Yes, the PSAT has gone through some changes but the overall structure remains quite similar. The test is still divided into the Evidence-Based Reading, Writing and Language, and Math sections. One significant change is the updated score range, which now goes from 320 to 1520.

For study materials, the College Board has a bunch of free resources available, including practice tests, sample questions, and helpful tips. Additionally, platforms like Khan Academy also offer comprehensive prep materials tailored toward the PSAT. Since the PSAT is meant to mimic the SAT, practicing with SAT materials will help too.

Lastly, I highly recommend checking out CollegeVine, as they also offer free resources to help students on their college applications journey, including a chancing engine that can give you insights on your chances of admission at various colleges. Good luck with your prep, and feel free to ask if you have any more questions!

9 months ago

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