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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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SAT prep for athletes: what to know?

Hello! I'm a student athlete, and I've been struggling to balance school, sports, and SAT prep. Are there any specific tips or strategies for athletes like me when it comes to SAT prep? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

I understand that balancing academics, sports, and SAT prep can be quite challenging for a student athlete. Here are a few tips that might be helpful for you:

1. Time management: Create a schedule that factors in your academic workload, sports practice, and dedicated time for SAT preparation. Break down your study sessions into short, focused segments.

2. Set realistic goals: Determine your target SAT score and create a plan to achieve it. Allocate time primarily to areas where you need the most improvement.

3. Utilize resources: Utilize resources such as practice tests, study guides, and online platforms like Khan Academy to help you with your SAT preparation. CollegeVine also offers guidance on SAT prep, including tips, exam information, and more.

4. Don't be afraid to seek help: Reach out to teachers, coaches, or counselors if you need help with time management or feel overwhelmed.

Remember, consistency is key, and even small daily study increments can lead to significant progress. Good luck with your prep!

a year ago

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