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What math topics should I focus on for the ACT and SAT?

Hey all! I'm starting to prepare for the ACT and SAT, and I was wondering if any of you could guide me through the math topics that are most important for both tests. I want to make sure I cover everything needed without getting too deep into unnecessary stuff. Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hey! Good on you for starting your ACT and SAT preparation! In terms of the math sections, the topics covered are quite similar for both tests. For the ACT Math, you'll see questions related to Pre-Algebra, Elementary/Intermediate Algebra, Coordinate Geometry, Plane Geometry, and Trigonometry. On the other hand, the SAT Math can be divided into three sections: 'Heart of Algebra' (linear equations and systems), 'Problem Solving and Data Analysis' (ratios, proportions, descriptive statistics), and 'Passport to Advanced Math' (quadratic equations, rational expressions, introductory geometry, and basic trigonometry).

While the exact distribution of topics may vary between the two tests, focusing on these key areas should give you a strong foundation. Don't forget to also practice the necessary calculator and no-calculator techniques, as both tests have sections that allow calculator use (the SAT also has a section where calculators are prohibited). Using official practice tests and resources from College Board (SAT) and ACT (ACT) will ensure that you're working with the most accurate materials. Good luck with your preparations, and I'm sure you'll do great!

a year ago

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