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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Let's talk about Parchment

So, I've heard about Parchment as a tool for sending transcripts, but I'm kind of confused. Can someone explain exactly what it is and how I can use it during my college application process? Any personal experiences would also be appreciated!

a year ago

Hello! I'd be happy to help you understand Parchment better. Parchment is an online platform that offers a streamlined service for securely sending and receiving official transcripts digitally. Schools, students, and colleges can all use Parchment to ensure proper handling of academic records during the college application process.

To use Parchment during your college applications, you will first need to create an account on the Parchment website. Make sure to use your accurate information, as this will be tied to the secure sending of your official transcripts. Once your account is set up, you can request your high school to send your transcript through Parchment to the colleges of your choice. Most high schools are already registered with Parchment and have a dedicated staff member for handling transcript requests.

Before you request your transcripts, verify whether colleges on your list accept transcripts via Parchment. If they do, go ahead and follow the steps on Parchment's website to request and send your transcripts. Keep in mind that there might be a small fee associated with sending each transcript, so budget accordingly.

Using Parchment can save you time and frustration during the application process, as it eliminates the need for physical transcripts and ensures your academic records are securely delivered to colleges. I've heard from friends that they found Parchment to be a smooth and hassle-free solution during their own application process.

I hope this helps you better understand Parchment and how to use it effectively during your college applications. Best of luck!

a year ago

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