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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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SAT/ACT Tutoring: What do tutors actually do?

Hi all, for those of you who have done SAT/ACT tutoring, what do tutors actually do during the sessions? Is it worth the money? Just want to know if it'll actually help me improve my scores. Cheers!

9 months ago

Hey! Great question! During SAT/ACT tutoring sessions, tutors typically help you understand the test format, provide strategies to tackle each section, work through various practice questions, and identify your strengths and weaknesses. They can give you personalized guidance and cater to your pace of learning, which can be very helpful for some students.

As for whether it's worth the money, it really depends on your individual situation and learning style. If you feel that you need additional guidance and structure in your test preparation, investing in a tutor may be beneficial.

That said, if you prefer to study on your own or don't see a significant improvement in your scores after a few sessions, then tutoring might not be the most cost-effective option. Keep in mind that there are many free resources available online, like Khan Academy and CollegeVine, that you can explore as well.

Ultimately, it's about finding what works best for you. Good luck with your test prep!

9 months ago

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