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ACT Reading Section Strategies for Success?

I've got a pretty solid handle on the English and math sections, but I can't seem to nail down the best technique for the ACT reading section. What strategies have you guys used to do well on this part of the test? Any advice would mean a lot to me.

9 months ago

Hey there! It's awesome that you're doing well in the English and math sections. I'll be happy to share some strategies that might help you tackle the ACT reading section more effectively.

First, make sure you're actively reading the passages. Look for the main ideas, and jot down brief summaries in the margin. This not only helps you remember the content but also saves time when answering questions later.

Time management is crucial in the reading section. It's best to allocate a specific amount of time to each passage and stick with it. Generally, it's around 8-9 minutes per passage, depending on your reading speed.

One approach that works well for some test-takers is to skim through the questions first, then read the passage. This way, you know what you're looking for while reading, and you can quickly spot the answers.

Finally, try out different strategies during practice tests and see what works best for you. Develop your personalized technique that boosts both your reading comprehension and time management, and don't forget to review your practice-test mistakes to identify areas of improvement.

Remember that practice makes perfect! Keep giving it your all, and you're bound to see improvement in your reading section. Good luck!

9 months ago

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