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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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SAT scores: do they measure IQ or income?

Hey, quick question—what do SAT scores really measure? I've heard people say they correlate with IQ or income, but I'm not quite sure about the relationship. Can anyone clarify this for me? Appreciate the help!

9 months ago

Hello! SAT scores do not directly measure IQ or income; rather, they're designed to assess students' skills in reading, writing, and math. However, studies have shown correlations between SAT scores and both IQ and family income.

While there is a correlation between SAT scores and IQ, keep in mind that the SAT is not an intelligence test and does not directly measure someone's cognitive ability. As for income, there may be many factors that contribute to this relationship, such as better access to test-prep resources, tutors, and information about the test-taking process for wealthier students.

It's important to recognize these correlations while also understanding that SAT scores alone don't define a student's intelligence or family background. Moreover, many colleges have adopted test-optional or test-blind policies, indicating that they recognize that SAT scores are not the sole or primary determinant of a student's potential success at their institutions.

9 months ago

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