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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How does having a 4.25 GPA look to colleges?

Hey everyone, I've been working really hard throughout high school and I'm proud to say that my current GPA is a 4.25 on the 5.0 weighted scale. Are colleges impressed with applicants having GPAs above the 4.0 threshold, and would this be beneficial in my college applications? Thanks in advance for your thoughts!

9 months ago

Hey there! Kudos on your hard work and dedication resulting in a strong GPA of 4.25! To answer your question, yes, a GPA above 4.0 on a weighted scale does show colleges your ability to handle a rigorous course load and succeed academically. It's certainly a plus in your college applications.

However, it's essential to keep in mind that college admissions consider various factors beyond your GPA. They'll also be reviewing your test scores (if the school isn't test-optional), the difficulty of the courses you took, your extracurricular activities, recommendation letters, and personal essays. While a high GPA like yours is an advantage, it's vital to make sure that the rest of your application is just as strong.

To get a better understanding of how your GPA stacks up against the average GPAs of accepted students at schools you're interested in, check out the college's admitted student profile or various college search tools like CollegeVine's chancing engine. Best of luck in your college application process!

9 months ago

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