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Pitzer supplemental essay tips?

Hi! I'm applying to Pitzer College and I'm currently working on their supplemental essays. Does anyone have any advice, examples, or pointers on writing engaging and meaningful responses for the prompts? I'd really appreciate it!

9 months ago

Hi there! It's awesome that you're working on your Pitzer supplemental essays. These prompts give you a great opportunity to showcase your personality, interests, and fit with the school's values. Here are a few tips to help you craft engaging and meaningful responses:

1. Research Pitzer's core values: One of the best ways to demonstrate your fit with Pitzer is to dive into their core values, which include social responsibility, intercultural understanding, interdisciplinary learning, and student autonomy. Make sure to incorporate these values into your essays, connecting them with your own experiences and beliefs.

2. Be specific: Avoid general statements and focus on providing concrete examples that support your points. If a prompt asks you to discuss how you would contribute to a diverse campus community, share a specific story or experience to illustrate your point, rather than just saying you value diversity.

3. Keep your responses focused: With supplemental essays, it can be tempting to cover as many points as possible, but you'll create a stronger impact if you concentrate on one or two central ideas per essay.

4. Show your passion: Pitzer appreciates students who are genuinely passionate about making a difference in the world. Make sure to express your enthusiasm for your chosen subject or cause, and explain why it's important to you.

5. Proofread and revise: Don't underestimate the importance of polishing your essays. Carefully check your writing for grammar and spelling errors, and ask a trusted friend, teacher, or family member to provide feedback on your drafts.

Remember, the supplemental essays are your chance to shine and display your personality to the admissions committee. Be genuine, be bold, and demonstrate how you align with Pitzer's mission and values.

Here's the breakdown of all the Pitzer prompts with expert essay tips: https://blog.collegevine.com/how-to-write-the-pitzer-college-essays

Best of luck with your essays!

9 months ago

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