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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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ACT Aspire: what is it exactly?

Hey guys, I recently heard about the ACT Aspire test but I've got no clue what it is. Can anyone help me understand what it's for and how it's related to the regular ACT?

9 months ago

Hello! ACT Aspire is a series of standardized tests designed for students in grades 3-10. The purpose of this test is to assess a student's progress and readiness for college and career success in several subjects: English, Math, Reading, Science, and Writing. It serves as an early indicator of a student's potential performance on the regular ACT, which is typically taken in 11th or 12th grade as part of the college admissions process.

While the Aspire tests measure academic progress, providing valuable feedback for teachers and school administrators, they don't directly impact a student's college admissions chances. For prospective college applicants, the primary focus should remain on the regular ACT or SAT scores, as these tests have a more direct influence on college admission decisions. Think of the ACT Aspire simply as a useful tool to gauge your academic strengths and identify areas for further improvement before you take the regular ACT. Good luck!

9 months ago

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