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UCLA residence halls: pros and cons?

Hey everyone, I'm excited about the possibility of attending UCLA and I've heard a lot about the different residence halls. Can anyone currently attending or who has attended in the past give me a rundown on the pros and cons of each residence hall? Thanks in advance!

9 months ago

Hey! I'm glad you're excited about potentially attending UCLA. I can give you some insights into the different residence halls based on what I've heard from friends who go there.

UCLA has three main types of residence halls: classic, deluxe, and suite/plaza-style living. Let's break down the pros and cons of each.

1. Classic Residence Halls:

- Pros: More affordable, communal vibe, and larger floors for socializing.

- Cons: Shared bathrooms, older buildings, and smaller rooms.

Examples: Dykstra, Hedrick, Rieber, and Sproul.

2. Deluxe Residence Halls:

- Pros: Semi-private bathrooms, slightly larger rooms than classic, and still fairly social.

- Cons: A bit more expensive and not as spacious as plazas.

Examples: Hedrick Summit, Rieber Vista, and Rieber Terrace.

3. Suite/Plaza-Style Living:

- Pros: Private or shared bathrooms, largest rooms, air conditioning, and more privacy.

- Cons: Pricier, may be harder to meet people within the building.

Examples: Sunset Village and De Neve.

Your choice may also depend on factors such as dining options and proximity to classes. While all residence halls are on the Hill, classic halls are often closer to dining halls like B-Plate and Covel, and plazas are closer to Rendezvous and Bruin Plate.

Ultimately, think about what's most important to you, whether it's cost, social environment, or privacy, and try to attend a campus tour to get a feel for the different halls. Good luck, and I hope you enjoy your time at UCLA!

9 months ago

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