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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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June ACT Scores: When Are They Released?

Hi everyone! I just took the June ACT and I'm anxious about my scores. Does anyone know when they will be released? I'd like to know ASAP so I can start preparing for my next steps. Thanks for the help!

9 months ago

Hey there! I can definitely understand the anticipation of waiting for your ACT scores. Typically, ACT scores from the June test date are released about 10 days after the exam. However, it can sometimes take up to eight weeks for some students to receive their scores. You should receive an email from ACT notifying you when your scores are available, and you can check them on the ACT website under your account.

While you're waiting for your scores, try not to stress too much about it – you've already done the hard part by taking the exam! Use this time to focus on your other college prep tasks, like researching colleges, working on your essays, and refining your application. That way, you'll be ready to make informed decisions after you get your scores. Good luck, and I hope you get the scores you're aiming for!

9 months ago

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