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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How important is Science Olympiad for college admissions?

Hi there! I've been considering joining my school's Science Olympiad team and was wondering how much it would help with college applications. Will participating in Science Olympiad look good to colleges or give me an advantage during the admissions process?

9 months ago

Hey! It's awesome that you're thinking about joining your school's Science Olympiad team! Participating in Science Olympiad can definitely be a strong addition to your college applications, especially if you're interested in pursuing a STEM-related field.

Participation in Science Olympiad can showcase your passion for science and your dedication to academic challenges. While being on the team can be a positive addition to your application, what's even more important is your level of involvement and any achievements you may have within the competition. If you can excel in your events, take on leadership roles, or win awards at regional or state levels, that will certainly make your participation stand out even more.

Keep in mind that colleges consider many factors when reviewing your application, and extracurricular activities are just one piece of that puzzle. They're looking for well-rounded applicants who demonstrate not only a strong academic foundation but also a genuine interest and passion for their chosen field. So, while Science Olympiad participation can be a positive factor, it's essential to balance it with other activities and strong academic performance.

Best of luck!

9 months ago

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