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ACT test dates and results—how do they correlate?

I'm planning to take the ACT in the future and I want to know how the test dates affect when I'll receive my scores. Is there a specific time frame between taking the test and getting the results? Any info would be helpful. Thanks!

9 months ago

Of course! Understanding when you'll receive your ACT scores after taking the test is an important part of the planning process. In general, you can expect to receive your multiple-choice scores within 10 days of taking the test, while the writing scores (if you opt for the ACT with Writing) should be available a few days after that, typically within two weeks from the multiple-choice scores release.

However, these time frames may vary depending on factors like the test administration, high volume of test-takers, or other logistical issues. So, it's always a good idea to stay updated by checking the ACT website for specific information about your test date.

As you plan, keep in mind the application deadlines for the colleges you're interested in. You'll want to make sure you take the ACT early enough so that your scores will be available when you have to submit them. If you want to be extra safe, take the test at least a couple months before your deadlines. But if you want to squeeze in a last retake, you may be able to do so the month before your application is due.

Lastly, if you need to send your ACT scores to universities, keep in mind that processing and shipping times may vary. Be prepared for it to take around two weeks or more for colleges to receive your scores. Remember that many colleges allow self-reporting of test scores as well!

Best of luck with your ACT preparation and test-taking!

9 months ago

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