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Which one should I choose: AP Physics C vs AP Physics 1?

Wondering if any of you guys have any insight on the differences between AP Physics C and AP Physics 1. What are the main differences, and which one is better suited for someone who is interested in engineering or applied sciences? Trying to choose the best one for myself. Thanks!

9 months ago

AP Physics C and AP Physics 1 are quite different in terms of content and difficulty. AP Physics C focuses on classical mechanics and electricity/magnetism, and involves a significant amount of calculus. It's considered more challenging than AP Physics 1. On the other hand, AP Physics 1 is an algebra-based course that covers topics such as kinematics, dynamics, waves, and sound.

As someone interested in engineering or applied sciences, AP Physics C is likely the better choice since it aligns more closely with the material you'll encounter in future classes. Additionally, many university engineering programs may only accept AP Physics C credit, so you'd be better prepared and potentially able to skip introductory physics courses.

Of course, it's important to consider your own background in math and physics when making this decision. If you're comfortable with calculus and have a strong foundation in physics, AP Physics C would be a great fit. If you're less confident in these areas, you may want to start with AP Physics 1. Make sure to consult with your school counselor or physics teacher for guidance as well.

9 months ago

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