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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Common App Activities Section Examples?

Hey everyone! I'm starting to work on my Common App and I'm not sure how to format my activities section. Can anyone share a brief example or some tips on how to showcase my extracurriculars? I appreciate the help!

9 months ago

Hey there! Certainly, the Common App Activities section is important to make your extracurriculars stand out. Here's a quick example and some tips.

Example: Varsity Soccer (Team Captain) — Grades 9-12, 10 hrs/week, 30 wks/yr

• Elected captain in junior year

• Led team to regional championships in senior year

• Organized team-building events and volunteer opportunities


1. Use concise language and phrases instead of full sentences.

2. Quantify your involvement (hours per week, weeks per year).

3. Highlight leadership positions and personal achievements.

4. Focus on your most significant contributions or impacts.

5. If you've used abbreviations, make sure they're commonly recognized.

Don't forget to prioritize your most important activities as you can list up to 10. Good luck with your Common App!

9 months ago

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