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Ranking AP Classes by Difficulty

Out of curiosity, how would you guys rank the AP classes you've taken by difficulty? I'm interested to see which ones are commonly considered the hardest and easiest. Thanks!

a year ago

Hey there! The difficulty of AP classes can vary greatly depending on the individual, the teacher, and the school. Keeping that in mind, I can share a general overview of some AP classes I've encountered, and what I've heard from others. However, remember that experiences differ, and what's challenging for one person may not be for another.

Often cited as more challenging AP classes include Calculus BC, Chemistry, and Physics C due to their complex concepts and problem solving. In contrast, some students find Human Geography, Environmental Science, and Psychology to be on the easier side because they don't require as much math or advanced problem-solving skills.

AP classes that often fall somewhere in the middle are English Literature, U.S. History, and Biology. These courses require reading, research, and analytical skills, but the subject matter may be more manageable for some students.

Ultimately, the difficulty of an AP class depends on your own strengths, interests, and how well the course is taught. The best way to find out which AP classes will challenge you the most is to take a variety of them and see how you fare. Good luck!

a year ago

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