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Importance of SAT Subject Tests for college admissions?

Hey everyone, I know that SAT Subject Tests have been discontinued, but I'm curious about how important they were for college admissions in the past. Were they a significant factor in the process, or were they more like a cherry on top?

9 months ago

SAT Subject Tests, while they were still offered, played a role in the college admissions process, but their importance varied depending on the competitiveness and policies of the universities in question. For some highly selective schools, strong SAT Subject Test scores could demonstrate a student's mastery of a specific subject and potential to excel in college-level courses. However, they were considered just one piece of the larger puzzle in the holistic review process.

For less competitive schools or those that didn't require or recommend Subject Tests, they may not have carried much weight in the admissions process. In those cases, they might've served as a 'cherry on top' for a strong application.

Overall, it's crucial to remember that a student's entire application, including factors like GPA, class rigor, extracurricular activities, and personal essays, played a far more significant role in college admissions than SAT Subject Tests alone.

9 months ago

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