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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Finding Teen Summer Internships?

Hey there! I'm a junior looking to make the most of my summer before senior year. Any advice on finding some interesting and valuable internships for high school teens? How do I make my application stand out?

9 months ago

Hi! It's awesome to see that you're eager to maximize your summer. For high school students, there are many ways to find internships or work experiences that align with your interests and future goals. Begin by exploring programs offered by local community centers, libraries, and schools, as these can include internship and volunteering opportunities.

You can also reach out directly to companies or organizations in industries that interest you. Check their websites for relevant openings or contact their HR department to inquire about potential opportunities.

Also check out CollegeVine, which has ample articles about internship opportunities in a variety of places and times: https://www.collegevine.com/category/extracurricular-activities/internships

To make your application stand out, highlight your relevant skills, experiences, and passions. Make sure to tailor your application to each internship, focusing on how your specific strengths can contribute to the organization. A well-written cover letter can help convey this while demonstrating your enthusiasm for the role. If you have any past experience in a similar field, be sure to include it on your resume or discuss it in your cover letter.

Lastly, don't forget about the power of networking. Talk to your teachers, counselors, mentors or family friends who might have connections in your field of interest. They might have leads on available opportunities or be able to provide recommendations that will help you stand out in the application process. Best of luck!

9 months ago

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