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Has anyone gone through Princeton alumni interviews?

Hey everyone, I was just wondering if any of you have experienced alumni interviews for Princeton. I'm kinda nervous about it. What are some common questions they ask and any tips on how to prepare? Thanks in advance!

9 months ago

Hey! I can understand why you'd be nervous about the Princeton alumni interview, but don't worry too much—it's usually an enjoyable and fairly casual conversation. Your interviewer mainly wants to learn more about you as a person, so focus on being your authentic self.

In my experience assisting others to prepare for interviews, most alumni interviews include common questions like: 'Tell me about yourself,' 'Why do you want to attend Princeton?', and 'What do you plan to study or what are your academic interests?' You could also be asked about your extracurricular activities, how you contribute to your school or local community, or your favorite book or recent read.

To prepare for the interview, I suggest reviewing your application and thinking about your personal story and experiences. It's a good idea to practice answering some of the common questions, but avoid sounding overly rehearsed.

You should also research Princeton to be able to discuss specific aspects of the University that you're excited about, such as clubs or organizations, research opportunities, or unique academic programs. This can help you ask your interviewer questions, which is a great way to demonstrate interest.

On the day of the interview, make sure to dress neatly (business casual is usually appropriate), be punctual, and express gratitude for the opportunity to connect. And of course, don't forget to send a thank-you email afterward to show your appreciation. Good luck, and I'm sure you'll do great!

9 months ago

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