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Challenging AP Calc AB questions?

Hey! Does anyone have any challenging AP Calc AB questions they could share? I wanna make sure I'm well prepared for the hardest questions on the exam. Any problem sets or resources would be awesome. Thanks, guys!

a year ago

Hey there! It's great that you're looking for challenging AP Calc AB questions to better prepare yourself for the exam. I've got a few resources that might be helpful for you.

Check out CollegeBoard's official AP Calc AB past exams (free-response questions) to get a feel for some of the tougher questions:

Khan Academy has a comprehensive and well-organized collection of AP Calc AB resources, including practice problems and content review:

Additionally, CollegeVine has an extensive blog post with free study resources, including some focused on the AP Calc AB exam:

Remember to also check out online forums where students discuss and share problems—for example, Reddit or College Confidential.

Good luck with your AP Calc AB prep! Just remember to balance challenging yourself with understanding the core concepts, and you'll be well prepared for test day.

a year ago

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