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SAT: 720 math
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Best Summer Music Programs for High Schoolers?

Hey there, music lovers! I'm currently a high school junior, and I'd love to enhance my skills through a summer music program. Do you have any recommendations for the best music programs for high school students? I play violin, if it helps. Thanks so much!

9 months ago

Hello! It's fantastic that you're considering investing in your musical growth during the summer. There are several reputable summer music programs designed for high school students, and the best one for you will depend on factors like your skill level, genre preferences, and location. Here are a few programs to consider:

1. Tanglewood Institute (Massachusetts): Tanglewood is a highly-regarded music program associated with the Boston Symphony Orchestra, offering a Young Artists Orchestra program for high school students.

2. Meadowmount School of Music (New York): This seven-week intensive is known for having a rigorous string program, perfect for the dedicated violinist.

3. Interlochen Summer Arts Camp (Michigan): Interlochen offers a variety of music programs for high schoolers, including orchestra, chamber music, and solo performances.

4. Aspen Music Festival and School (Colorado): Aspen provides an eight-week summer program with opportunities to participate in multiple orchestras and chamber ensembles.

Take a look at these programs and assess their application requirements, costs, and potential financial aid. If possible, reach out to your music teacher, too, as they might have additional recommendations or resources tailored to your specific skills and needs. Best of luck!

9 months ago

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