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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Looking for the best ACT prep websites

Hey everyone! I'm getting serious about ACT prep and I'm wondering if any of you have recommendations for the best ACT prep websites? Please share ones that you found helpful or think are worth checking out. Thanks!

a year ago

Hey there! It's great that you're getting serious about ACT prep. There are several websites that can provide solid resources and preparation for the ACT. Here are a few recommendations that should help you in your journey:

1. CollegeVine: They offer free resources, including an essay guide, a chancing engine, and a peer essay review to help students with their college applications. They also provide guidance on standardized test preparation, including the ACT.

2. Khan Academy: Though they're better known for their SAT resources, Khan Academy also provides general test-taking strategies and practice questions that can prove useful for ACT prep.

3. The official ACT website offers study materials, such as practice tests, an online prep course, and test-taking tips. They even have 'ACT Academy,' a free, personalized, online learning tool.

4. PrepFactory: This interactive platform offers practice questions, quizzes, and instructional videos tailored to different sections of the ACT.

Take some time to explore these resources and identify which ones best suit your needs. Good luck with your ACT preparation!

a year ago

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