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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Dealing with SAT/ACT test center problems?

Has anybody faced any issues with their SAT or ACT test center, like a schedule change, uncommunicative proctors, or poor facilities? How did you handle it, and is there any advice you could share in case I come across a similar situation?

a year ago

It's unfortunate to hear that you're concerned about test center problems. If you're dealing with something like a schedule change or uncommunicative proctors, it's most important to stay calm and focused on the task at hand – taking the test. Remember that you're there to do your best under the circumstances.

If there's a schedule change, make sure you're aware of important updates by frequently checking the SAT or ACT website and your email. Reach out to the testing organization and your high school counselor if you need further assistance.

In case of uncommunicative proctors or poor facilities, try your best to adapt to the situation. Once the test is over, you can provide feedback to the testing organization about your experience.

While it's impossible to prepare for every unexpected hiccup on test day, you can still do yourself a favor by bringing snacks, water, extra pencils, and an approved calculator with extra batteries, to ensure you've prepared for every potential situation that's within your control. Arrive early and give yourself ample time to settle in and adjust to your surroundings.

Good luck, and stay positive! The people administering the SAT/ACT know it's a super important test to students, so issues like the ones you're describing are quite uncommon, so just focus on your prep and the rest will take care of itself.

a year ago

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