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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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800 on SAT Math – Tips?

Hey folks, anyone out there who scored a perfect 800 on SAT Math? I'm determined to achieve that score and would love to hear about your approaches, strategies, or resources. Thanks in advance for the help!

a year ago

Hey! Congrats on aiming for that perfect 800 on SAT Math. It's a lofty goal, but one many students have reached before, and I'd be happy to share a few tips and strategies on how you can do so yourself:

1. Practice consistently: Use resources like the College Board's official practice tests and Khan Academy for SAT practice problems. These resources are tailored specifically for the SAT.

2. Review your mistakes: After each practice session, analyze your errors and make sure you understand why you went wrong. This helps you avoid making the same mistakes in the future. Even better, review the answers you got right as well, to ensure you were utilizing the best approach possible, and to really hammer home the concept in your mind.

3. Target weak areas: Focus on the topics you find most challenging and dedicate extra practice time to those areas.

4. Learn time management: With only 80 minutes for the Math section, it's essential to pace yourself. Get comfortable solving problems under time constraints—time yourself for each question, or even take a full math practice test with an 80 minute timer.

5. Build a strong foundation: Ensure you have a good grasp of basic math concepts and techniques, as SAT Math relies heavily on fundamentals. Review your notes from your math class, and talk to your teacher if there's anything you're feeling iffy on.

Keep practicing, and remember, persistence is key. Best of luck!

a year ago

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