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Thoughts on UCLA single dorms?

Hey everyone, I'm kinda leaning towards UCLA for college and I'm curious about their single dorm options. What's the general opinion on them and how do they compare to shared dorms in terms of space and social life?

a year ago

Hey there! Single dorm rooms at UCLA, or really any school, can be quite appealing for students who prefer more privacy and quiet study time. They provide a space that’s all your own, where you can decorate and organize without worrying about sharing with a roommate. At a large school like UCLA, having a place to unwind fully can help some students not get overwhelmed by all the activity.

However, the trade-off is that single dorms might be a bit smaller in terms of space compared to shared dorms, since they're designed to accommodate only one person. It can also be difficult to get one, as colleges often like students to have a roommate to build community, so there might not be a lot of singles available.

Along those lines, regarding social life, living in a single dorm can be isolating if you don't actively seek opportunities to interact with others. Shared dorms naturally foster more social interactions, as you’re living with at least one other person. That said, you can still have a great social life in a single dorm by participating in floor activities, joining clubs, attending events, and actively engaging with others in your residence hall.

Ultimately, it's all about your personal preferences and priorities. Some students prefer the quiet and privacy, while others thrive in a more social environment. Either way, there are plenty of opportunities to make friends and engage with the campus community at UCLA. Good luck with your housing decision!

a year ago

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