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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Thoughts on majoring in Classics?

Hey everyone, I'm considering majoring in Classics, but I'm not sure if it's a good choice in terms of job prospects and career potential. For those who studied or are studying Classics, how has it been for you and do you have any advice?

9 months ago

Hey! Classics can be a fascinating and rewarding field of study. While it may not be a major that directly leads to a specific career path like engineering or pre-med programs, unless you already know you're interested in academia, it does provide a strong foundation in critical thinking, research, and communication skills. These are valuable skills that are applicable in many careers.

While many people might ask you "What's the point of that?" if you tell them you're majoring in classics, having diverse interests may actually set you apart from other applicants when it comes to job applications and graduate school prospects. Employers and grad schools often value candidates who have a background in the humanities and are able to think critically and solve problems in unique ways, as well as those who pursue subjects they're genuinely passionate about, rather than those that they think will look good on their resume.

That being said to improve your career prospects, you could consider combining your Classics major with a minor or double major in a more marketable field that's also relevant to your interests, such as economics, computer science, or a foreign language. Having a more comprehensive skill set can open up more job opportunities.

Ultimately, it's essential to make the most of your college experience by following what you're truly passionate about. If you do that, you'll end up in a career that you find fulfilling. Good luck with selecting a major!

9 months ago

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