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Should I major in business?

Hey everyone! I'm a junior and really interested in business, but I'm not sure if majoring in it is the best route for me. Can someone help me weigh the pros and cons of a business major in college? How does it compare to other options? Would love to hear your thoughts!

a year ago

Hi! It's wonderful to hear that you're interested in business. I majored in business when I was in college, so I hope I can help.


- A business major provides a broad understanding of various aspects of business (marketing, finance, management, etc.), which can be useful in a wide range of careers.

- Many business programs have strong connections with industry, providing good opportunities for internships and networking.

- Business graduates are often in high demand by employers due to their versatile skill sets.


- Some people find that a business degree is not as specialized as other majors, which may limit their opportunities in certain fields.

- Business courses can be competitive, which may be stressful for some students.

It really depends on your career goals and personal interests. If you want a versatile degree that offers a variety of career options across different fields, a business major could be a great fit. However, if you have a more specific interest, you may want to consider other majors that align with your goals. Ultimately, the best choice is the one that matches your passion and aspirations!

a year ago

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