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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Ivy League schools - overrated or worth it?

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about whether Ivy League schools are truly worth the hype. In your opinion, are they overrated, or do the benefits of attending an Ivy League institution justify all the stress and hard work? I'd appreciate everyone's thoughts!

a year ago

When it comes to determining if Ivy League schools are overrated or worth it, it really depends on your individual goals and priorities. For some people, the prestige and networking opportunities provided by an Ivy might be a game-changer, but for others, it might not be as important.

One thing you should consider is the fit between you and the school. A good fit includes factors like social environment, academic programs, and financial considerations. The better the fit, the more you'll likely get out of your college experience, no matter the ranking.

As for academic quality, while Ivy League schools generally have highly-regarded faculty and resources, many other colleges and universities also have strong programs and can provide an equally rigorous education. It's essential to research programs and focus on the quality of your intended major, rather than the overall prestige of a school.

If attending an Ivy League school has always been your dream, and you're confident that it aligns with your goals, then it might be worth pursuing. However, it's important to know that non-Ivy institutions can still provide an exceptional education and lead to successful, fulfilling careers. Always keep in mind that college is what you make of it, regardless of the name on your diploma.

a year ago

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