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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Sending free ACT score reports?

I heard that it's possible to send free ACT score reports when registering for the test. Can someone explain how to take advantage of this option and if there are any limitations?

9 months ago

Absolutely, you can send free ACT score reports to colleges during your registration process. When signing up for the ACT on the official website, you'll be able to indicate the colleges you want your scores sent to. You can select up to four colleges to receive your score report for free if you choose them before the test day.

However, it's important to be aware of a few limitations with this option. Since you're selecting these colleges before taking the test, you won't know your ACT score before it is sent. This could be a concern if you're not confident in your performance. Also, remember that if you want to send your scores to more than four colleges, or if you decide to send them after the test day, you will need to pay a fee for each additional report.

So, if you're sure about which colleges you're applying to and don't mind sending your scores without knowing them beforehand, this option can help you save some money on score report fees.

9 months ago

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