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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Cornell University admission tips?

Hey everyone, I'm really interested in applying to Cornell. Can anyone here provide some advice or suggestions for increasing my chances of acceptance? Thanks in advance!

9 months ago

Hey, current Cornell student here! I'd be happy to provide some advice.

Firstly, highlighting your specialty or 'spike' is essential. Admissions at top universities like Cornell look for students who have a strong and highly-developed area of interest, as this often signals future success in their chosen field. Especially since you'll apply to a specific undergraduate school (each has it's own focus ranging from Agriculture and Life Sciences to Hotel Management), having a spike that relates to your intended school or major will reinforce you belong. It's a good idea to demonstrate this through your extracurricular involvement and accomplishments, showcasing your dedication and passion for the subject.

Next, Cornell values essays that are thoughtful and unique while still showcasing your genuine personality. Avoid cliche topics and focus on creating a compelling narrative that showcases your experiences, values, and perspectives. The essay should also convey your enthusiasm for Cornell and address why you believe it's the ideal fit for you academically or personally. Make sure to research specifics about Cornell like classes, professors, departments, clubs, and special programs and explain how and why you plan to take advantage of them to further your education.

Make sure you also take advantage of applying Early Decision (ED) if you are confident that Cornell is your top choice. Applying ED shows your commitment to the university and can result in a significant boost to your admission chances.

With regards to academics, maintain a strong GPA and back it up with rigorous courses such as APs or IBs to showcase your ability to excel in challenging environments. Although the minimum requirements may vary, it's beneficial to have competitive test scores (if you plan to submit them) and a solid academic background that aligns with Cornell's admitted student profile.

Lastly, don't forget to research your chosen major and college within Cornell, as this will allow you to tailor your application materials accordingly. Demonstrate how your background and plans align with the specific programs offered at Cornell, ensuring a strong connection between your interests and the university's offerings.

Best of luck with your application to Cornell University! I hope to CU on the hill!

9 months ago

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