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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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UMich Early Action acceptance rate?

Hey everyone! I'm considering applying to the University of Michigan (Go Blue!) for Early Action. Does anyone know the acceptance rate for this round and how competitive it is compared to Regular Decision? Feeling a little bit stressed about it, but really want to give it a shot!

a year ago

Hello! Applying Early Action (EA) to the University of Michigan can be a great choice if you're confident about your application and excited about the school. While specific acceptance rate numbers for EA at UMich are not published, it is generally known that applying EA does typically result in a higher acceptance rate compared to Regular Decision. However, keep in mind that EA applicants may be a more competitive and ambitious group of students overall.

Remember not to stress too much about acceptance rates, as they are just one factor among many in the application process. Prioritizing the quality of your application and demonstrating a genuine interest in UMich will be much more important. And since EA is non-binding, you'll still have the opportunity to apply to other schools during the regular application cycle if needed. Best of luck!

a year ago

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