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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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TEAS Practice Tests: Best Resources?

I'm preparing for the TEAS exam and I need some reliable practice tests. Any suggestions on where to find the best resources to help me study? Any tips for approaching the test would be great too!

9 months ago

Kudos for getting ready to tackle the TEAS exam. There are several resources available to help you find reliable practice tests and study materials. Some popular options include the official ATI TEAS website where you can purchase study guides and online practice tests; the Mometrix Test Preparation website, which offers free practice tests, study guides, and flashcards; and CollegeVine, which has a variety of free resources available to students.

As for tips on approaching the test, it's always a good idea to start by reviewing the main topics covered in each section: Reading, Mathematics, Science, and English and Language Usage. It's also important to establish a study schedule, practice time management, and take plenty of practice tests to get familiar with the test format and question types. Remember to review your practice test results to identify areas where you can improve. Good luck with your studies and feel confident going into the TEAS exam!

9 months ago

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