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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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MIT Admissions Interview: What to Expect?

Hey there! So, I just got an email from MIT saying I have an interview coming up. I'm super nervous about it and was wondering if anyone who has gone through the process can give me some tips or share their experiences? Much appreciated!

9 months ago

Hey! First of all, congratulations on getting an interview! It's normal to feel nervous, but remember that the interviewer is there to learn more about you and help you showcase your strengths. To prepare for the interview, try to think about examples from your life that highlight your personality, achievements, and passions. Be ready to discuss what you love about MIT and why it's a good fit for you.

During the interview, treat it like a conversation—be genuine, listen carefully, and ask questions too. Your interviewer might be an MIT alum, so make sure to ask them about their experiences and what they loved most about the University.

Lastly, relax and be yourself. Interviewers can usually tell when you're being genuine and authentic, which goes a long way. Show them the real you and be confident in the experiences you've had. Best of luck with your interview!

9 months ago

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