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SAT Reading passage types?

Hey there, I'm preparing for the SAT Reading section and I'd like to get a better sense of the passage types I can expect. Can anyone give me a general idea of what kinds of passages are typically on the test? Much appreciated!

9 months ago

Hey! It's always good to be well-prepared for the SAT Reading section. Generally, the test includes five passages. They come from a variety of sources and cover diverse topics, but you can expect the following types:

1. Literature: One passage will usually be a fictional excerpt from a novel or short story. The author's narrative style and characters' development will be key focuses here.

2. Social Science: You'll find one or two passages relating to disciplines like history, economics, psychology, or sociology. These passages may include studies, analyses, or historical narratives.

3. Science: One or two passages fall under this category, which often includes topics like biology, chemistry, physics, or Earth science. These passages may describe experiments or scientific phenomena.

4. Humanities: Typically, one passage will come from the humanities, which encompasses subjects like art, music, or philosophy. It may discuss the cultural or historical context of a specific work or artistic movement.

Remember, practicing sample passages from each of these categories will help you familiarize yourself with the format and content, making you better-prepared for the SAT Reading section. Good luck with your preparation!

9 months ago

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