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Required classes for med school?

Hi everyone! I'm considering going into the medical field, and I was wondering what classes are usually required for pre-med or med school admissions? Thanks in advance!

9 months ago

Hello! I'm glad to hear you're thinking about pursuing a career in the medical field. Pre-med coursework tends to be quite standardized, as med schools have specific requirements that all applicants must meet. Here's a list of classes that are often required or recommended for pre-med students:

1. Biology: Usually, this entails one year of general biology, often with lab components.

2. Chemistry: This includes one year of general chemistry and one year of organic chemistry, typically with labs as well.

3. Physics: Most med schools require one year of physics, again with lab components.

4. Math: This generally includes one year of college-level math, typically consisting of coursework in calculus and/or statistics.

5. Biochemistry: Some med schools require or strongly recommend a semester or two of biochemistry.

6. English: Med schools often require one year of English or writing-intensive coursework.

7. Psychology and sociology: These subjects might not be mandatory everywhere, but they're recommended, as the MCAT includes a section on social and behavioral sciences.

Keep in mind that specific med schools might have additional or varying requirements, so it's essential to research the schools you're interested in. Good luck on your journey!

9 months ago

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