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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Calculating Total GPA?

Hey, I'm kind of confused about calculating my total GPA. Can someone explain how to properly calculate it? Do I include all my classes or just the core ones? Should I use weighted or unweighted GPAs?

9 months ago

Hey there! Calculating your total GPA can indeed be a bit confusing, but I'm happy to help you out. In most cases, your total GPA will include all of your classes, not just the core ones. This means that your elective courses will also be factored into the calculation. When it comes to weighted or unweighted GPAs, it depends on the context you'll be using it for.

Unweighted GPAs are calculated on a 4.0 scale, and they don't take into consideration the difficulty of your courses. For example, an A in an AP course is the same as an A in a regular course. Weighted GPAs, on the other hand, take the difficulty of the classes you've taken into account and commonly use a 5.0 scale. For example, if you get an A in an AP or honors course, it might be worth 5 points instead of 4 due to their complexity.

For college applications, it's important to know that different colleges may focus on weighted or unweighted GPAs, so it's beneficial to know both. Good luck with your calculations!

9 months ago

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