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Looking for medicine internships for HS students

Hey all! I'm currently a junior and really interested in pursuing a career in medicine. Are there any good medicine internships or programs for high school students that I should consider applying to? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hey there! It's fantastic that you're interested in medicine and looking for internships or programs to gain experience. A few programs come to mind that you might want to check out:

1. National Student Leadership Conference (NSLC) offers a 9-day Medicine and Health Care Program, designed for high school students. It includes hands-on medical workshops, meeting medical professionals, and simulations.

2. Summer Medical and Dental Education Program (SMDEP) is a free 6-week program sponsored by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. It's geared towards minority students interested in medicine or dentistry careers.

3. Stanford Medicine offers the Research Experience for High School Students (REHIS) program. It's an 8-week summer research internship where you can work with Stanford faculty on bench science laboratory research.

4. Boston University MEDscience Summer Program is a week-long program that allows high school students to explore healthcare and the medical field through interactive learning experiences.

These are just a few options, but I encourage you to keep searching and reach out to local hospitals or clinics to see if they have any volunteer or shadowing opportunities. Good luck, and I hope you find a program that suits your interests!

a year ago

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